
March 4 - 8

Donor List

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Please email questions to
Becky Dimon


We are pleased to announce the first annual Merritt Academy PTO Silent Auction. Guidelines and instructions are listed below for all participants. If you have any questions, please contact Stephanie Eberhart (703-978-0671) ( or Becky Dimon (703-503-8218) ( Best of luck on your bidding and remember it is all for a good cause!!

  • Bidding will officially begin at 9:00 am on Monday, March 4 and will continue until 6:00 pm on Friday, March 8 (on-line bidding ends Noon, March 8). Highest bidders will be listed by family number on the PTO bulletin board and will receive a letter confirming their auction item/service.
  • Each family will receive a bidding booklet that includes the family number to be used for bidding purposes. The family number will be listed at the top right corner of your bidding booklet. Please use your family number when bidding on an item either at the physical auction site or while participating in the online bidding option.
  • Items/services will be displayed in the Parent Room located in the front office. Online bids may also be made at You can place your bids either online or at the school, but do NOT need to place them in both locations. Bids will be updated each morning and afternoon on the bid sheets in the front office and online to reflect recent activity.
  • This booklet contains descriptions of donations received as of February 22, 2002. Late donations not described in this booklet will be available for bidding. In addition, theme baskets that are being prepared by the individual classrooms will be available for bidding.

Payment for items/services purchased will be accepted via check made out to "The Merritt Academy PTO" and must be received by Friday, March 15, 2002.